Veeam announced the new version of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 v8
In the new version, the vendor focused on delivering a more secure and independent ecosystem for end users. Specifically, Veeam has introduced improved security features, expanded proxy capabilities, and support for public and private Teams channels.
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 v8 offers three key enhancements: immutable backups, role-based console access, and multi-factor authentication (MFA). The immutability option is extended to backup and can be stored in various cloud object storage options, ensuring physical inaccessibility and complete immutability of data. A new management mode provides storage administrators with the ability to delete immutable data under certain circumstances. These additional features will help provide additional layers of security.
The v8 release introduces new role-based access control for console access. The Users & Groups section will feature the ability to add backup administrators to the console. Currently, the recovery web portal and Veeam Service Provider console offer options to add MFA for bette security. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 v8 adds MFA to the console and recovery explorers. This feature will require users to perform additional forms of authentication to access the backup and recovery console.
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 v8 also offers two crucial updates — Linux and Proxy Pools support. The new version moves from SQLite as the back-end database to PostgreSQL, which will set the stage for these two improvements. Both RHEL-based Linux machines and Ubuntu machines can now be used as proxies in the configuration. Proxy Pools allow you to group proxies for processing in a repository. This will allow you to balance resources for processing load and regulate load balancing across the group, providing improved backup performance. An additional benefit will be the ability to put individual proxies in a group into maintenance mode without sacrificing scheduled job execution time.
In addition to the supported standard Microsoft Teams channels, the new version includes support for public and private channels. Recovery will be available from both the Microsoft Teams recovery browser and the recovery web portal. Options such as recovery and data export will be available.
For more information on purchasing Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 v8, as well as other Veeam solutions, please email veeam@muk.group.